Biologically active food supplement - vitamin and mineral complex with plant components
One capsule contains:
Isoflavones from soya extract 100 mg.
Vitamin D2, 850,000 IU / g 0.118 mg.
(corresponding to 100 IU vitamin D2)
Vitamin D3, 100,000 IU / g 1 mg.
(corresponding to 100 IU vitamin D3)
Hidrofosfat Calcium 410 mg.
including calcium 95 mg.
Phosphorus 78 mg.
Of soy isoflavones
Of soy isoflavones related to bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoid polyphenols are natural, in our time covering about four thousand compounds in accordance with their common feature - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries (P-vitamin activity). Bioflavonoids have wide biological activity, mainly antioxidant and detoxifying. They regulate the activity of enzymes from different classes of agonists and antagonists of receptors. This is linked very broad spectrum of their pharmacological activity, including kardiozashtitnoto, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, radiozashtitnoto, allergic, hepatoprotektornoto, zhlachogonnoto, antisklerotichnoto and other actions, including regulatory functions of the endocrine glands. Bioflavonoids have a mutation-preventing and anti-cancer effect.
Isoflavones, which are separated from soybeans containing 35% nitrogen substances, 17% saturated fat, 30% nitrogen extractive substances. Isoflavones (daydzin, daydzein, glitsitein, henistrin, henistein) have hormone action.
Vitamin D2 and D3 (Colecalciferol)
Vitamins D2 and D3 are the most important representatives of a group of substances related to vitamin D. Vitamin D ensures the body's calcium and phosphorus and participates in the formation of the skeleton. Vitamin D functions in the form of active forms - 25-hidroksikaltsiferol, 1.25-and 24.25-dihidroksikaltsiferol dihidroksikaltsiferol. These are hormones that are found to specific receptors on cells of many organs and tissues: osteotsiti, hondrotsiti, enterocytes, monocytes, nevrofili, activated T-and B-lymphocytes and others. Therefore, vitamin D itself is seen as prohormon, hydroxylated derivatives - such as hormones, formed with the participation of cytochrome P-450 in endocrine organs such as kidneys. Production of hormonal forms of vitamin D control of parathyroid hormone. From the foregoing it follows that vitamin D plays an important role in the mineralization of bone differentiation and sazravyaneto collagen, activates reparative processes in the epithelium. Has established the important role of vitamin D in the functioning of muscle tissue and encourage it to protein synthesis and production of ATP. Recently it was discovered and immunoregulatory function of vitamin D - it normalizes the ratio of T-helper and T-suppressor, thereby controlling autoimmune processes. This involves the effectiveness of vitamin D for psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and others. The regulating influence of the active forms of vitamin D on proliferation and differentiation of cells, including the amendments is the basis of their inhibition effect on the growth of tumor entities and helps in prevention of the occurrence of onkopatologiyata, which was confirmed by the presence of feedback between the incidence cancer of the rectum and vitamin D (and calcium). Moreover, vitamin D is used to prevent and treat rickets in osteoporosis, hair loss, eczema wetting for healing wounds and ulcers. A deficiency of vitamins C, B2, K and E reduces healing effectiveness of vitamin D. In humans vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin effects of sunlight than its predecessor D-7-dihidroholesterin.
The human body contains 1000-1200, the calcium, 99% in bone, dentin, enamel, and 1% plays a crucial role as vatreshnokletachen calcium, calcium into the blood and tissue fluid. Certainly the most calcium plays an important role in bone formation. The inclusion of calcium in bone tissue is needed vitamin D, phosphate, magnesium, zinc, manganese, ascorbic acid and other factors. Calcium participates in the process of transmission of nerve impulses, providing a balance between the processes of excitation and tormozheniya in the cerebral cortex, participates in regulating the contraction of skeletal muscles and muscles of the heart, affects the acid-alkaline balance in the body, the activity of several enzymes . Calcium is needed for the functioning of cell membranes, the operation of the nuclear apparatus of the cell, it stops the release of histamine, thereby reducing the manifestation of allergic reactions, painful syndrome and the formation of the immune response. It must be emphasized the important role of calcium as a factor of vatreshnokletachnata signaling. Too little calcium in the body increases the removal of calcium from bones into the blood, thus causing demineralizatsiya bones and osteoporosis. Calcium is especially needed for pregnant and lactating women.
It is recommended to prevent osteoporosis, regulation of the functioning of the CNS, where inadequate function of the parathyroid glands, allergic diseases (serum sickness, hives, angioneurotic edema, hay fever), reduce vascular permeability (hemorrhagic vasculitis, radiation disease, inflammation and ekssedativni processes) in skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), in chronic hepatitis, toxic liver damage by means of kravovazstanovyavashto bleeding as an antidote for poisoning with salts of oxalic acid and fluorine.
The importance of phosphorus and its role in metabolic processes in the body is determined by the compounds, whose composition it enters. Inorganic phosphorus perform structural functions: enter into the composition of bone and tissue phospholipids of cell membrane structures, it is a component of the buffer system of blood and other biological fluids, ensure the maintenance of acid-alkali balance.
Organic phosphorous compounds are used in nucleic acids and participate in the processes of growth and division of cells, storage and use of genetic information. Organic phosphorous compounds are a central unit of energy metabolism (as a result of esterification of inorganic phosphate and its compounds in the apparent energy-rich pirofosfatnoy связи ATP) are involved in enzyme processes, providing a manifestation of the biochemical functions of many vitamins, regulation of metabolic processes (via cAMP), transmission of nerve impulses and muscle shortening.
Regulating hormone balance
Regulating mineral metabolism
Retaining calcium
Recommended for:
As obshtoukrepvashto vehicle:
To increase non-specific resistance of the organism in order to reduce the adverse effects of environmental factors
To increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases
After surgery
In pre-and klimatkerichen period
For prevention and enhancing the effects of drug therapy:
In the pathology of the reproductive system in women (uterine bleeding, a demonstration of klimakteren syndrome and others)
In osteoporosis
For cardio-vascular diseases (arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension)
In neurological and psychiatric disorders (neurasthenia, neuroses, increased irritability, etc.)
In endocrine pathology (abnormal gonadal function in women)
In skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea)
In allergic disorders (hives, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, etc.)
Not recommended intake of the preparation of sensitization to components of BAS.
HOW TO USE: 1 capsule twice daily before meals with plenty of water.
PACKING: 520 mg capsules.
Storage: Store in a dry, airy place (below 25 ° C), protected from sunlight and strong electromagnetic fields reach of children.
SHELF LIFE: 3 years from date of manufacture.
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