Biologically active food supplement - vitamin and mineral complex with plant components.
One capsule contains:
Extract from the seeds and skins of grapes, 150 mg.
Ginkgo biloba (Gingko biloba L.) 26,5 mg.
Beta-carotene 5 mg.
(corresponding to vitamin A 2766 IU)
Vitamin E 10 mg.
Vitamin C 65 mg.
Zinc oxide 18.5 mg.
including 15 mg zinc.
With selenium yeast 50 mg.
including selenium 50 mcg.
Extract from the seeds and skins of grapes
The extract from the skins and seeds of grapes are extracted from the seeds and skins of the grapes. The most important actors of the extract were proantotsianidinite representing oligomers polifunktsionalni compounds, but also highly effective antioxidant - rezveratrol. These compounds have pharmacological activity wide at the base of which is anti-oxidant effect superior to that of ascorbic acid and vitamin E. The complexes of biologically active substances of the extract from seeds and skins of grapes effectively neutralize free radicals, inhibit the synthesis of lipid peroxides, inhibit enzymes involved in the formation of active forms of oxygen (eg xanthine oxidase), and lizosomalni enzymes capable subkletachnite damaged structures, including connective tissue. With the above properties is an important area related to the use of extract from seeds and skins of grapes for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction. The extract from seeds and skins of grapes, helps to improve microcirculation, is effective in treating angiopatiya, retinopathy, and inflammatory processes at the expense of the inhibition of the biosynthesis of inflammatory leukotrienes.
Ginkgo biloba (Gingko biloba L.)
One of the oldest plants on Earth survived extreme conditions of planetary upheaval and by virtue of high accumulated substances. Existing substances of Ginkgo biloba are ginkolidite A, B, C, J, bilobalidite representing terpenoidi glycosides and flavonoids. A unique feature of this complex is the ability to overcome hematoentsefalichnata barrier and have a positive effect on the brain. The complex of substances of Ginkgo biloba has a high antioxidant activity, including in terms of brain tissue. This protection is related to structural and functional integrity of cell membranes and normalization of metabolism in tissues of the brain: to improve the absorption of glucose and oxygen, stimulating the synthesis of ATP, increasing the efficiency of the operation of nevromediatorite and increase the density of synaptic receptors.
Bioflavonoid polyphenols are natural, in our time covering about four thousand compounds in accordance with their common feature - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries (P-vitamin activity). Bioflavonoids have wide biological activity, mainly antioxidant and detoxifying. They regulate the activity of enzymes from different classes of agonists and antagonists of receptors. This is linked very broad spectrum of their pharmacological activity, including kardiozashtitnoto, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, radiozashtitnoto, allergic, hepatoprotektornoto, zhlachogonnoto, antisklerotichnoto and other actions, including regulatory functions of the endocrine glands. Bioflavonoids have a mutation-preventing and anti-cancer effect.
Beta-carotene is used by the human organism for synthesis of vitamin A. It also has anti-oxidant effect, helps to lower the risk of developing cancer and other diseases resulting from increased environmental burden to man.
Vitamin A comprises a group of substances - and its ethers retinol, retinyl, retinoeva acid. Provitamin A, beta-carotene also are also alpha and gamma-carotene. Other carotenoids (about 1000) do not have provitaminna activity, however, have self-importance as antioxidants lipidoraztvorimi and traps of singlet oxygen and vitamin A. himself Vitamin A is necessary for the functioning of the organs of vision (enter into the composition of visual pigments and rodopsin yodopsin ) and its deficit (and / or deficit of zinc) lead to a distortion of adaptation to darkness (night-blindness "), to the emergence of conjunctivitis (xerophthalmia). However, vitamin A has several important systematic effects: it is necessary for growth, division and differentiation of cells of epithelial tissues, acting antioxidant, which determines its onkozashtiten effect. Another important aspect of the action of vitamin A is its ability to raise local and general saprotivitelnost the body in relation to which its deficiency increases the risk of acute respiratory infections and other diseases.
Vitamin A helps the development of sex hormones is needed for the maintenance of reproductive function of men and women.
Beta-carotene and vitamin A has a good therapeutic effect on gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, promotes the rapid healing of wounds and healing after surgery.
Vitamin E
Tocopherols (vitamin E) (82-83% - a-tocopherol, 10% - b and g-tocopherols) are major antioxidant membrane stabilizing the lipid membrane layer, which provides optimal conditions for the functioning of membrane receptors, membrane systems and transmission membrane structures of the enzyme. The latter include chains of transmission electron defining energoosiguryavaneto of cells and synthesis of ATP and enzymes monooksigenaznata system, providing the one hand biosynthesis of the most important endogenous compounds (kortikoidni and sex hormones, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, D and etc.), the biotransformation of cholesterol into bile acids, etc., on the other hand detoxification of xenobiotics. No less important are the protection of tocopherols by oxidation of SH-group proteins, including proteins of the respiratory membrane and transmission systems. Extremely important is the function of tocopherols as a regulator of the biosynthesis of RNA and hence the proteins in general, but also the synthesis of core protein hemsadarzhashtite to hem. It is difficult to re-evaluate the importance of this effect as a hem is not only providing the body with oxygen, but also the manifestation of the most important biochemical functions (via cytochrome P-450-dependent system), including the biotransformation of cholesterol. By adjusting the above is related to the influence of tocopherols on the metabolism of protein, fat, carbohydrates, hormones, fat-soluble vitamins, including A and D. By this they have a pronounced effect on the activity of various systems of the body - keep the functions of the cardiovascular system, endocrine glands (including sexual), muscle tissue, kravoobrazuvaneto (haematopoietic), etc.
Vitamin E is used in the prevention of cancer and coronary heart disease in miokardiodistrofii, spasm of peripheral vessels in the sports practice (in the accumulation of muscle mass), muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, where the risk of miscarriage, abnormal gonadal function in prostatitis, liver diseases, in some dermatoses, psoriasis, pediatric practice hipotrofii.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a complex of kindred substances preventing scurvy. He participates in many oxidation reactions in the body recovery. The most important representatives are L-ascorbic acid and its oxidized form - dehydroascorbic acid. Basicity of these compounds and is an antioxidant protecting against free radicals, which blunt obuslyava of ascorbic acid on the processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids, beltachinnite and other cellular components and protects them from damage. This is connected membranostabilizirashtiya effect of vitamin C and its immunoregulatory effect. Vitamin C accumulates in white blood cells, boosting their fagotsitarna activity. Because of this vitamin C exhibits antimicrobial and antiviral effect even, in particular for influenza and other infectious diseases when its level in the blood rapidly decreased. Moreover, vitamin C stimulates detoxifying enzymes in the liver and therefore has a different effect on antitoksichen adverse effects on the body.
It is extremely important action of activated vitamin C kortikoidnite biosynthesis of adrenal cortex hormones responsible for the adaptive reactions of the organism. Therefore, vitamin C stimulates the adaptive processes and has anti-stress effect. Back in the stress level of vitamin C in the body significantly decreased and he would have to be procured. There is evidence of the influence of vitamin C on the formation of ketaholamini (dofamin and noradrenaline), serotonin and endorphins and therefore on the psychological and emotional state of man.
Vitamin C is one of the most important factors for the maturation of collagen, the formation of collagen fibers of the vessels, skin, lens of the eye, bone tissue and teeth. It is kapilyaroukrepvashtiya effect of vitamin C and its stabilizing influence on the connective tissue of vascular walls and other structures of the body. As normalized penetration of vascular walls, vitamin C and exhibits anti-inflammatory action in antihemoragichno kapilyaropatiyata different etiology. Vitamin C helps to better absorption of iron and normalizes blood forming processes.
Vitamin C is applied to preventive and curative intent in hypo-and Avitaminosis (scurvy) in bleeding diathesis (Haemophilus, etc..), Where bleeding from the nose in lung and uterine bleeding in bleeding caused by radiation sickness and overdose of anticoagulants in infectious diseases and intoxication, liver disease, primary and secondary kidney failure, onkopatologiya for the normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases in bavnozazdravyavashti wounds and ulcers, breaking bones in work requiring physical , mental and emotional stress during pregnancy and lactation. Vitamin C deficiency increases the risk of colds, the level of cholesterol in the blood, developed bleeding from the gums, seborrhea, tendency to fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, and others.
Micronutrient zinc enters the structure of the active center of several metaloenzimi. It is necessary for the functioning of DNA and RNA polymerase, the processes controlling the transmission of hereditary information and biosynthesis of proteins, and thus reparative processes in the body but also the key enzyme for biosynthesis reaction hem entering the structure of hemoglobin , cytochromes of the respiratory chain of mitochondria, cytochrome P-450 and catalase mieloperoksidazata. Zinc enters the structure of the key antioxidant enzyme - (Zn, Cu)-induced biosynthesis and superoksiddismutazata protective proteins of the cell - metalotioneinite under which zinc is an antioxidant with reparative action.
Zinc plays an important role in the realization of the hormonal functions in the body. It affects directly on the production and functioning of insulin and thus on all insulinozavisimi processes. In men, zinc participates in the synthesis of testosterone and the functioning of the gonads, which provides feedback to monitor the level of zinc in the body and potency. As an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase zinc regulates the level of metabolites of testosterone - dihydrotestosterone, and its surplus determined prostatic hyperplasia. Zinc is needed for the female body as enter into the structure of the estrogen receptors, thus regulating all estrogenozavisimi processes.
Zinc is crucial for the functioning of the thymus and the normal condition of the body's immune system, and is also a component of retinoloprenosnite proteins. Zinc with vitamin A (and vitamin C) prevents the occurrence of immunodeficiency, stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and antiviral action appears.
Zinc helps the healing of wounds and ulcers, the processes involved in perception of taste and smell, is needed for the functioning of the central nervous system and memory processes.
The role of trace elements selenium in the body is defined first by the fact that it enters into the composition of one of the most important antioxidant enzymes - Se-dependent glyutationperoksidaza that protects cells from accumulation of products of peroxide oxidation, as by doing so it warns of nuclear damage beltachinnosintezirasht and apparatus. In synergy with vitamin E Selenium helps to increase the antioxidant activity. Selenium enters into the composition of the enzyme-yodtironin 5deyodinaza (controlling the formation of triyodtironina) composed of proteins and muscle tissue which is very important in the protein composition of the myocardium. Selenprotein it as an integral part of testicular tissue. Therefore the deficiency of selenium leads to a weakening of antioxidant status, anti-cancer protection, conditional miokardiodistrofiyata, violations of sexual function, immune.
Moreover, mutation-preventing Selenium occurs, antiteratogenen, radiozashtiten effect, stimulates antitoksichnata protection, normalizes metabolism nucleic acids and proteins, improved reproductive function, normalizes metabolism evkozanoidite (prostaglandins, prostacyclin, leukotrienes) regulate the thyroid and pancreas. Under all this heroprotektorite to treat selenium.
Improve the process of microcirculation
Normalizing vascular permeability
Recommended for:
As obshtoukrepvashto vehicle:
To increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, especially in environmental conditions nebpriyatni
For prevention of premature aging
To improve the mental activity, concentration of attention
For accelerating the recovery processes in the brain under various pathological conditions
After operations and infectious diseases
For prevention and potentiation of the effects of drug therapy:
For cardio-vascular diseases (arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, nevrotsirkulatorna dystonia, primary and secondary hiperlipoproteidemii, miokardiodistrofii)
In endocrine pathology (diabetes, abnormal thyroid and gonads)
In liver disease
In vascular pathology (spasm of peripheral vessels, diseases related to infringement of vascular permeability
In pathological conditions associated with increased clotting
In neuromuscular diseases (muscular dystrophy)
In autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis)
Diseases of the ocular organs (retinopathy, sclerotic changes in vessels funduscopic, glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, hypermetropia)
In cerebral failure to reduce mental and neurological symptoms (memory impairment, dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears)
Hearing deterioration in the vascular or toxic genesis, tinnitus, vertigo origin of labyrinths
In vazovegetativni events klimakteren syndrome
In allergic disorders (hives, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis)
In skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, ekssedativna diathesis
In cancer conducted in the context of chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Not recommended for persons sensitive to components of BAS, during pregnancy and lactation periods.
HOW TO USE: 1 capsule 2 times daily before meals with plenty of water.
PACKING: 390 mg capsules.
Storage: Store in a dry, airy place (below 25 ° C), protected from sunlight and strong electromagnetic fields and sight of children.
SHELF LIFE: 3 years from date of manufacture.
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