Biologically active food additives - plant complex.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) 200 mg.
Artichokes (Cynara scolymus L.) 50 mg.
Rosopas (Fumaria officinalis L.) 100 mg.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.)
For medical purposes is the fruit, enter in the composition essential oil, biogenic amines (tyramine, histamine) flavonolignani (silibin, silidianin, taksifolin etc.), resins, minerals (copper concentrate plant and selenium). Quick acting substances are white thorn flavonolignanite.
White Thorn is one of the most effective hepatoprotektori. Impact of components in the white thistle on the liver have a place to stabilize biomembranes of hepatocytes, sashtestvenno detoksikatsionnata increases the activity of antioxidant system and liver, in which it enters and enhance the synthesis of glutathione. Simultaneously stimulates the synthesis of proteins and regenerative processes, which justifies the restoration of damaged liver cells. Moreover, white thorn prophylactically protect undamaged hepatocytes and increases their resistance against various infections and intoxications. White thorn increases bile formation and accelerates the process of its removal, thereby normalize the process of digestion and metabolism. This is the basis for the use of the plant in acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, and in toxic damage to the liver, which are the result of poisoning with various chemical compounds, including alcohol, poisonous mushrooms and medicinal preparations. White thorn being used for diabetes, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, expansion of varicose veins.
Artichokes (Cynara scolymus L.)
The leaves of the artichokes contain 3% protein, 10-15% carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2 and carotene. Biologically active substances of the artichokes are kafeolovite acids, bioflavonoids, seskviterpenite.
Artichokes reduces the level of serum cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the removal of bile and possesses hepatoprotektorna and antioxidant activity, enhances antitoksichnata function of the liver, helps to increase hepatic filtration processes of normal digestion, regulates thyroid function. Artichokes recommended for cholecystitis, toxic hepatitis (in stage rekonvalestsentsiya) hepatoza fat, diabetes, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, liver and heart failure, chronic nephritis, in allergic conditions, eczema, psoriasis, opium poisoning.
Rosopas (Fumaria officinalis L.)
For medical purposes use blooms that contain alkaloids izohinolinovi (prototypes, etc.), glycosides, bioflavonoids, tannins and slezisti substances Gentianella. Rosopasat acting antispasmodic, stimulates removal of bile and stimulates the motor-secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite. Rosopasat favorably affect the activity of the heart, normalizes metabolism, possesses diuretic, patogonno, expectorant action, enhances the overall tone of the body. Rosopasat recommended for dyskinesia zhlachogonnite of roads and colon, with constipation syndromes in gastritis with decreased kislotnost, stomach ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver stones, cystitis, gout, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis of the lungs to recover forces weakened and convalescent patients.
Bioflavonoid polyphenols are natural, in our time covering about four thousand compounds in accordance with their common feature - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries (P-vitamin activity). Bioflavonoids have wide biological activity, mainly antioxidant and detoxifying. They regulate the activity of enzymes from different classes of agonists and antagonists of receptors. This is linked very broad spectrum of their pharmacological activity, including kardiozashtitnoto, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, radiozashtitnoto, allergic, hepatoprotektornoto, zhlachogonnoto, antisklerotichnoto and other actions, including regulatory functions of the endocrine glands. Bioflavonoids have a mutation-preventing and anti-cancer effect.
Recommended for:
As obshtoukrepvashto vehicle:
To increase the body's resistance to adverse effects of environmental factors
To increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases
Had surgery after
Regulating metabolism
For prevention and enhancing the effect of drug therapy:
Diseases of the liver and zhlachogonnite roads (hepatitis, cirrhosis, including toxic etiology, cholecystitis, cholangitis)
Acute and chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.)
Acute and chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis)
In skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, scabies, pyoderma, fungal lesions - dermatofitii etc.)
In allergic disorders (hives, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis)
In poisoning
In asthenic conditions with different aetiologies
For cardio-vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.)
In vascular pathology (extension of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, etc.)
In endocrine pathology (diabetes, abnormal thyroid gland)
Diuretic in diseases of the system (cystitis, nephritis, pikochokamenna disease)
Diseases of the reproductive system
In metabolism (gout)
In fractures
In wounds and ulcers
Is not recommended for increased sensitivity to components of BAS in gallstones.
HOW TO USE: 1 capsule twice daily before meals with plenty of water.
PACKING: 520 mg capsules.
Storage: Store in a dry, airy place (below 25 ° C), protected from sunlight and strong electromagnetic fields reach of children.
SHELF LIFE: 3 years from date of manufacture.
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