Biologically active food supplement - vitamin and mineral complex with plant components
One capsule contains:
Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.) 100 mg.
White hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) 50 mg.
Black kandilniche (Ballota nigra L.) 50 mg.
Vitamin C 10 mg.
Vitamin B1 0,2 mg.
Vitamin B6 0,2 mg.
Vitamin B12 0.2 mcg.
Magnesium carbonate 50 mg.
including magnesium 37.5 mg.
Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.)
Blossom of Hypericum triterpenic contain saponins, derivatives of anthracene (Hypericine and psevdohiperitsin) bioflavonoids (hiperozid, rutin, quercetin), tannins, essential oil, carotenoids accumulate manganese. The most important pharmacological effect of Hypericum is the influence of serotonin levels in the CNS, which determines the antidepressant properties of the plant, primarily at the expense of Hypericine. Hypericum can therefore be regarded as an herbal antidepressant and izplozva in conditions associated with neurotic disorders in menopause. The plant also has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, firming, regenerative and antiseptic properties, so its use is effective in treating ulcers, abscesses, burns, pyoderma, rhinitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, piles, diseases of the respiratory and genito-urinary system. Hypericum improves appetite, stimulates the activity of various secretory glands, including digestive, has zhlachogonno action. With fotosensibilizirashti properties. This should be considered when appropriate sensitivity. On the other hand Hypericum can be used for the treatment of vitiligo.
White hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.)
The white hawthorn fruits contain bioflavonoids (quercetin, viteksin, hiperozid, rutin), triterpenic saponins, tannins, vitamins and others. White Hawthorn is rich in amino acids, and mineral substances, especially magnesium. In medicine is used in functional disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system as kardiotonichno, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antiaterosklerotichno, antispasmodic and sedative. It normalizes the heart rate, improves coronary circulation, a positive influence on metabolic processes in myocardium: help in saving consumption of oxygen by the myocardium and stimulates the synthesis of ATP with concomitant reduction of lactate, which prevents development of acidosis. White hawthorn reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, have marked antioxidant effect, lowering the blood pressure, increases diuresis. It is recommended for cardiovascular diseases: ischemic heart disease after myocardial infarction in hypertensive disease, arrhythmias, prevention of atherosclerosis, but also in increased nervous irritability, insomnia.
Black kandilniche (Ballota nigra L.)
Blossom black kandilniche contain glycosides, essential oils bioflavonoids, diterpenoidi (balotenol, balotinon) and others. Black kandilniche has sedative, trankvilizirashto, antidote, astringent, antispasmodic, antiarrhythmic, diuretic, antiseptic, ranozazdravyavashto action. Used as an emollient for insomnia, nervous agitation, painful menstruation, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia of nerve in the treatment of hysteria and certain other diseases. Moreover, it is suitable for rheumatism, joint and muscle diseases.
Bioflavonoid polyphenols are natural, in our time covering about four thousand compounds in accordance with their common feature - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries (P-vitamin activity). Bioflavonoids have wide biological activity, mainly antioxidant and detoxifying. They regulate the activity of enzymes from different classes of agonists and antagonists of receptors. This is linked very broad spectrum of their pharmacological activity, including kardiozashtitnoto, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, radiozashtitnoto, allergic, hepatoprotektornoto, zhlachogonnoto, antisklerotichnoto and other actions, including regulatory functions of the endocrine glands. Bioflavonoids have a mutation-preventing and anti-cancer effect.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a complex of kindred substances preventing scurvy. He participates in many oxidation reactions in the body recovery. The most important representatives are L-ascorbic acid and its oxidized form - dehydroascorbic acid. Basicity of these compounds and is an antioxidant protecting against free radicals, which blunt obuslyava of ascorbic acid on the processes of peroxide oxidation of lipids, beltachinnite and other cellular components and protects them from damage. This is connected membranostabilizirashtiya effect of vitamin C and its immunoregulatory effect. Vitamin C accumulates in white blood cells, boosting their fagotsitarna activity. Because of this vitamin C exhibits antimicrobial and antiviral effect even, in particular for influenza and other infectious diseases when its level in the blood rapidly decreased. Moreover, vitamin C stimulates detoxifying enzymes in the liver and therefore has a different effect on antitoksichen adverse effects on the body.
It is extremely important action of activated vitamin C kortikoidnite biosynthesis of adrenal cortex hormones responsible for the adaptive reactions of the organism. Therefore, vitamin C stimulates the adaptive processes and has anti-stress effect. Back in the stress level of vitamin C in the body significantly decreased and he would have to be procured. There is evidence of the influence of vitamin C on the formation of ketaholamini (dofamin and noradrenaline), serotonin and endorphins and therefore on the psychological and emotional state of man.
Vitamin C is one of the most important factors for the maturation of collagen, the formation of collagen fibers of the vessels, skin, lens of the eye, bone tissue and teeth. It is kapilyaroukrepvashtiya effect of vitamin C and its stabilizing influence on the connective tissue of vascular walls and other structures of the body. As normalized penetration of vascular walls, vitamin C and exhibits anti-inflammatory action in antihemoragichno kapilyaropatiyata different etiology. Vitamin C helps to better absorption of iron and normalizes blood forming processes.
Vitamin C is applied to preventive and curative intent in hypo-and Avitaminosis (scurvy) in bleeding diathesis (Haemophilus, etc..), Where bleeding from the nose in lung and uterine bleeding in bleeding caused by radiation sickness and overdose of anticoagulants in infectious diseases and intoxication, liver disease, primary and secondary kidney failure, onkopatologiya for the normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases in bavnozazdravyavashti wounds and ulcers, breaking bones in work requiring physical , mental and emotional stress during pregnancy and lactation. Vitamin C deficiency increases the risk of colds, the level of cholesterol in the blood, developed bleeding from the gums, seborrhea, tendency to fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, and others.
Vitamin B1
Koenzimnata form of Vitamin B1 is tiaminpirofosfat (kokarboksilaza), which plays a decisive role in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism - oxidative dekarboksilirane of ketokiselinite but also in converting glucose into other sugars, particularly in pentoza necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids. Furthermore koenzimnata function Thiamine modulate the transmission of nerve impulses regulate the transport of sodium through the neuronal membrane, acting antioxidant. Vitamin B1 is required for the proper functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal system. It is recommended that neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, polyneuropathy, entsefelopatii, peripheral paralysis, ischemic heart disease, hipoterioza (involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones), gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, liver diseases. Positive influence on seborrhea, dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema and other skin diseases. Higher content of carbohydrates in the daily ration, active physical and mental strain, chronic alcohol consumption increases the need for vitamin B1. In thiamine deficiency disorders occur in the functions of the nervous system (insomnia, irritability), even the development of paralysis, to distort carbohydrate metabolism, leading to excessive accumulation of fat in the body appear to deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypotension ) and gastrointestinal system (delayed bowel).
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 in the body is represented by koenzimni forms - and piridoksalfosfat piridoksaminfosfat. They make up the enzymes controlling reactions and preaminiraneto dekarboksiliraneto of amino acids and thus play an important role in the metabolism of amino acids (especially tryptophan) and protein metabolism in general, but also in the metabolism of biogenic amines and neurotransmitters - serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid dofamina, noradrenaline, which determines the importance of this vitamin for the nervous system. From the perspective of the impact of vitamin B6 levels of serotonin, it is synergistic with Hypericine in St. John's wort. Vitamin B6 (along with iron, copper and zinc) involved in the synthesis of hem. In the female body, it plays an important role in maintaining a balance of sex hormones, prevents onkopatologiyata. Along with folic acid, vitamin B6 has hipoholesterichen effect, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It is used in toksikoza Pregnancy Premenstrual syndrome in other types of Parkinson's chorea, diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis), pellagra, chronic and acute gastritis (kiselinnoobrazuvashtata normal function of the stomach), ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, chronic cholecystitis (involved in the processes of separation of bile), anemia, radiation sickness, dermatitis, lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, ekssedativna diathesis for the prevention or reduction of toxic phenomena in the intake of some medicines. The severe shortage of vitamin B6 occurs in alcoholism, which enhances alcoholic psychosis. A deficiency of vitamin B6 may arise against the admission of protivotuberkolozni preparations, oral contraceptives. In vitamin B6 deficiency occur depression, psychosis, increased irritability, peripheral neuritis, expressed Premenstrual syndrome, as is the development of anemia in full providing the body with iron (hipohromna anemia), sore mouth and to languages to develop dermatitis.
Vitamin B12
The role of vitamin B12 in the process of metabolism is determined by its participation (in the composition of kobalaminovite enzymes) in beltachinnata, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. As a source of methyl groups in vitamin B12 combined with folic acid and vitamin B6 normalized methionine metabolism, prevents regeneration of fatty liver, increased use of oxygen under hypoxic conditions. There antiaterosklerotichno effect - lowering the cholesterol in the blood and helps the removal of its blood vessels. Stimulates the synthesis of proteins, normalizes the processes of growth and development. Vitamin B12 regulates kravoobrazuvane processes, and this is related to its involvement in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleic acids, with accumulation in erythrocytes of serosoderzhashtih soedineniy. Thanks to its participation in the formation of mielinovite sheaths of nerve cells tsiankobolomin is required for functioning of the nervous system. Fagotsitarnata by increasing activity of leukocytes and activates activity of retikuloendotelialnata system, Vitamin B12 enhances the body's immunological defense. For usvoyavanetomu intake is necessary presence in the stomach of a special protein - glikoproteid, so called. "Internal factor". Vitamin B12 is recommended in various anaemias, radiation sickness, muscular dystrophy, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis), polyneuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, migraines, skin diseases (psoriasis fotodermatoza, dermatitis, neurodermatitis), then spent infectious diseases. Tsiankobalamin deficiency leads to anemia and disturbance of the functions of the nervous system (weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite, etc.).
The body of every adult person contains about 25 g magnesium, primarily in bone in the form of phosphates and biokarbonat. Physiological function of magnesium is contingent on his participation as an essential cofactor in many enzymatic processes. Magnesium is a structural component of the enzyme about 300, including ATP-dependent enzymes. This is determined by the systematic influence of magnesium on the body's energy processes in all organs and tissues, primarily energy consuming (heart, nervous system, muscles working). This involves a wide pharmacological activity of magnesium. He holds kardiozashtitno act favorably affect the heart rhythm in violation of, coronary artery disease, including the myocardial infarction, improves myocardial oxygen providing, by limiting the area of damage. Simultaneously, the acting vasodilating and magnesium helps panizhavane of blood pressure.
Magnesium has anti-stress micro okoyto has normalizing effect on the state of the nervous system and its senior divisions (especially in combination with vitamin B6) in nervous tension, depression, neurosis.
Magnesium in preventing diabetes and cardiovascular complications in combination with zinc, chromium and selenium improves the function of beta cells of the pancreas. Diseases of the respiratory system contribute to the enlargement of the bronchi and removes bronhospazmite. Both magnesium is an important factor of therapy (in combination with basic tools).
Magnesium has a positive impact on the state of the reproductive system. In pregnant women it prevents the scarcity of fetal development (along with folic and pantothenic acid), the development of hestozi, premature birth and miscarriage. During menopause women providing lower negative phenomena in this condition.
Normalizing processes of vascular permeability
Preventing vomiting
Recommended for:
As obshtoukrepvashto vehicle:
To increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors
To increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases
For prevention and relief of depression
After surgery
In the mental and physical bottlenecks
For prevention and enhancing the effects of drug therapy:
In neurological and psychiatric disorders (neurasthenia, neurosis, hysteria, sleep disorders, increased irritability, epilepsy, Parkinson's, chorea, Neuro, neuritis, radiculitis, polyneuropathy)
In asthenic conditions with different aetiologies
For cardio-vascular diseases (arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart Bolata, arrhythmia, hypertension, nevrotsirkulatorna dystonia of hypertensive type rheumatism)
In vazovegetativni manifestations of climacteric syndrome
Acute and chronic gastrointestinal
Diseases of the liver and zhlachogonnite roads (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of zhlachogonnite roads of hypertensive type)
In endoknrinna pathology (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus)
In skin diseases (seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, pyoderma, vitiligo, etc.)
Diseases of the ocular organs (glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, hypermetropia)
In ENT practice (rhinitis, sinusitis)
In joint diseases (arthritis, bursitis, osteoarthritis)
In slow healing wounds, ulcers
Is not recommended for increased sensitivity to components of BAS, in pregnancy and during lactation, children under 12 years.
HOW TO USE: 1 capsule twice daily before meals with plenty of water.
PACKING: 365 mg capsules.
Storage: Store in a dry, airy place (below 25 ° C), protected from sunlight and strong electromagnetic fields reach of children.
SHELF LIFE: 3 years from date of manufacture.
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