Biologically active food supplements - mineral complex with plant components.
One capsule contains:
Chinese limonnik
(Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.) 200 mg.
Royal Jelly 10 mg.
Propolis 50 mg.
Ferrous Gluconate 40 mg.
including 5 mg of iron.
Potassium iodide 0.033 mg.
including iodine 25 mcg.
Chinese limonnik (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.)
For medical purposes is the fruit, which contain essential oils, tannins, fatty and organic kesilini, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, minerals, and lignans - shizandrin and shizandrol governing fundamental biological properties of the plant. Lignans are antioxidants and the work regulators of cytochrome P-450 - improve liver function. But their main effect is toning. Chinese limonnik provide a stimulating and toning effect on the CNS, enhances the positive reflexes, stimulates reflex irritability, improves cognition and memory. Has a beneficial effect on heart function, reduces the frequency of heart contractions, increasing their amplitude, increases blood pressure in hypotension. Excited breathing. Together with the Chinese limonnik improves motor and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, activates metabolism, regenerative processes and enhances immunity. Chinese limonnik improves vision, especially night. In experimental diabetes decreases the content of sugar in the blood. Stimulate sexual activity and increased potency.
Chinese limonnik is a classic adaptogen, tune, the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors in the rapid restoration of power in physical and mental fatigue, acting antidepressant.
In medicine is mainly used as a means of toning CNS. Used in reduced physical and mental work capacity, and astenodepresivni in asthenic conditions for impotence, hypotension, drowsiness, a general reduction of forces in chronic infectious diseases and intoxications in slack pelleting wounds and trophic ulcers. Chinese limonnik is toning agent in a number of functional heart disease and weakened breathing character.
Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is visokokontsentriran, complete products manufactured by bees. Contains proteins (11.1%), whose amino acid composition is represented by arginine, methionine, tryptophan and other fats (5.6%), including polyunsaturated, carbohydrate (8.9%), over 10 vitamins (B1, B2, PP, B6, C, D, folic and pantothenic acid, etc.), 37 macro and trace elements phytoncides. Royal jelly acts as a natural biological stimulant, has obshtoukrepvashto, tonic, antispasmodic and trophic effect.
Royal Jelly stimulate the adrenal glands, normalizes metabolism. Improves cardiac function, normalize blood pressure, increases potency, has antidepressant action. Decreased hemoglobin, decreased the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
Royal Jelly helps to overcome fatigue and stress, increases mental and physical work capacity, stimulate the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections, improves memory.
Propolis is a resinous substance - a product of the vital activity of the bees. Contains 55% resins, 30% waxy substances, 10% essential oils, 5-11% pollen. It identified bioflavonoids, terpenoidi, phytoncides.
To stimulate thymic function and activates the production of interferon, propolis has immunoregulatory activities, which in combination with a direct antibiotic (bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antiviral) effects on bacteria and viruses have a powerful protective effect on the body.
Stopping the formation of anti-inflammatory leukotrienes, propolis does analgezirashto-inflammatory and lower fever (similar to aspirin), helps healing wounds. Moreover, propolis has a toning effect and protivolachevi exhibit antioxidant properties that help make the adjustment capabilities of the organism.
Propolis is effective for various infections, particularly of the respiratory tract in hyperlipidemia, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in chronic prostatitis, in inflammatory diseases of female genitals.
Bioflavonoid polyphenols are natural, in our time covering about four thousand compounds in accordance with their common feature - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries (P-vitamin activity). Bioflavonoids have wide biological activity, mainly antioxidant and detoxifying. They regulate the activity of enzymes from different classes of agonists and antagonists of receptors. This is linked very broad spectrum of their pharmacological activity, including kardiozashtitnoto, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, radiozashtitnoto, allergic, hepatoprotektornoto, zhlachogonnoto, antisklerotichnoto and other actions, including regulatory functions of the endocrine glands. Bioflavonoids have a mutation-preventing and anti-cancer effect.
Trace elements iron is a component of the most important iron proteins, including enzymes, which enter in the form of hem, and in nehemova form. Bulk iron hem va type is included in the hemoglobin. Moreover, iron in this form enter into the composition of cytochrome P-450 cytochrome G5, cytochromes of the respiratory chain of mitochondria, antioxidant enzymes (catalase, mieloperoksidaza). Therefore, this trace element is important not only for providing the body with oxygen, but also for the functioning of the respiratory and ATP synthesis, metabolic processes and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances, DNA synthesis, inactivation of toxic compounds perekisni. Iron compounds play an important role in the functioning of the immune system, especially its wireless unit. The most obvious form of manifestation of iron deficiency is iron deficiency anemia, behind which can have serious abnormalities in the body (chronic loss of blood in internal bleeding). In iron deficiency, the skin becomes pale, there was an injection of vascular sclera, dysphagia, damage to the lining of the mouth and stomach, thin and deformed nails.
Iodine regulates the activity of the thyroid and pituitary glands, preventing the accumulation of radioactive iodine, providing protection from radiation. Iodine is a structural component of thyroid hormones - thyroxine T4 and T3 triyodtironin. Precursor of T4 and T3, which are substances niskomolekulyarni is iodized proteins of the thyroid - tireoglobulin whose limited proteolysis leads to the formation of T4. T3 is formed from T4 in the process of deyodirane under the influence of Se-dependent deyodinaza. Thus Selenium and iodine are metabolically related - iodine in the body does not function without selenium.
The main metabolic function of these hormones is to increase the synthesis of ATP and the related increase in oxygen consumption by mitochondria in the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Through this universal mechanism of thyroid hormones have a systemic effect on the organism. Therefore the deficiency of iodine leads to a reduction of the main exchange. Above all, it affects the state of the central nervous system. In the womb of the mother the baby should receive the necessary amount of iodine. Hipoteriozata in children leads to profound disturbances of higher nervous activity in incomplete development of intellectual skills to kretenizam. In adults, the deficiency of iodine leads to mental inertia, zatormozenost, lower mental ability, and reducing the incidence of cardiac contraction to diastolic hypertension. As a consequence of the suppression of energoosiguryavashtite insufficient oxidation processes resulting in products of metabolism, which leads to a distortion of endoekologichnoto condition of the body and the accumulation of slag. Simultaneously inhibit oxidation of cholesterol and its accumulation in aterogenni forms, leading to early atherosclerosis, in conjunction with the dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system - to myocardial infarction and stroke. Shortage of energy leads to a generalized reduction in muscle tone, to relax smooth muscle. Iodine deficiency leads to immunodeficiency, increased risk of tumor diseases, especially thyroid. Iodine deficiency can lead to the development of Graves' disease. Equally dangerous is the deficiency of selenium, cobalt, copper and other micronutrients.
Increasing potency
Recommended for:
As obshtoukrepvashto vehicle:
To increase the vitality
To increase resistance to stress
To increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases
After surgery
In work-related physical and mental strain
To improve the mental activity
To increase the sensitivity of the eyes
In intoxication
Regulating metabolism
For prevention and enhancing the effects of drug therapy:
In asthenic conditions with different aetiologies
Diseases of the nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, etc.)
In nevrotsirkulatorna dystonia hypotonic type of
Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.)
Acute and chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal)
Diseases of the gall bladder and zhlachogonnite roads (cholecystitis, cholangitis, diskenezii zhlachogonnite of roads by type hipokinetichen)
Diseases of genitourinary system (diuretic tract infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, gynecological diseases)
For impotence
In Endocrine Pathology (hipotireoza, diabetes mellitus)
In skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
In infectious diseases
In wounds and trophic ulcers
Is not recommended for increased sensitivity to components of BAS in arterial hypertension in pregnancy and during lactation, children under 12 years.
HOW TO USE: 1 capsule twice daily before meals with plenty of water.
PACKING: 350 mg capsules.
Storage: Store in a dry, airy place (below 25 ° C), protected from sunlight and strong electromagnetic fields reach of children.
SHELF LIFE: 3 years from date of manufacture.
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